Hewlett Happenings

After summer, senior year awaits


As Hewlett High School students scurry to take up their last finals, it’s time for me to say goodbye to junior year, which is considered notorious for being the hardest, most time-consuming year of high school. With SATs, ACTs and a number of Advanced Placement and college level courses, I cannot wait to delve into the warmth and sunshine of summertime, work as a counselor at a local day camp and enjoy the study and homework-free nights that await for me in a few short days.
Now, my classmates and I move up to the top of the high school hierarchy — we’re officially seniors. The eldest and most intimidating in the school, we’ve come so far from the tiny, scared freshmen that we once were. We’ve made it through the gruesome 11th grade, and that’s a milestone in itself. In August, the Common Application college essay is released, and right to work we go perfecting our applications and essays — making sure everything sounds as sophisticated and elegant as possible. Come Sept. 2, the last first day of school for the class of 2015, we jump into the college application process, have our schedules packed with meetings with our guidance counselors — all while trying to enjoy and cherish our final year at Hewlett High.
So far, I have learned a lot from my three years of high school. I have learned how to prioritize schoolwork with my social life, and have been given the opportunity to become a leader. As one of the presidents of the school’s Students Against Destructive Decisions Club, I have learned how to use my voice in a positive way to influence students to follow the right, safe path. As one of the assistant editors of the school newspaper, Spectrum, I have learned from other editors and writers, effective ways to communicate with my intended audience to make sure my message is being heard clearly and efficiently. Lastly, as a student columnist for the Nassau Herald, I am given the opportunity to share my voice and experience with the local community while gaining experience and knowledge in the fields of writing and communication. Hewlett High has provided me with so many opportunities to come out of my small cocoon and transform into a unique butterfly, ready to fly. I can’t wait to see what’s next and what else I’ll learn next year in high school.
Although senior year will fly by and the class of 2015 will be walking down the aisle at graduation in the blink of an eye, I made a promise to myself to enjoy every second of senior year. However, for now, let’s just all have a safe, happy and healthy summer full of good memories and great times.