Cedarhurst water remain replaced; road resurfacing to be completed


A 16-inch water main was installed by New York American under Cedarhurst Avenue between Village Hall in Cedarhurst and Central Avenue April 6-10.

According to water company and village officials the approximately 800 feet of new pipe should eliminate the brown water for residents in the area were known to get when they turned on their faucets.

To install the new pipe, the company drilled a “tunnel-like hole” 12 feet below the railroad tracks that ran across Cedarhurst Avenue that was several hundred feet long and allowed them to slide the pipe under the Long Island Rail Road train tracks.

Village officials said that the work was planned to coincide with the Passover/Easter holiday week, when traffic volume in Cedarhurst is traditionally much lower than usual to minimize any inconvenience to residents, commuters, businesses and shoppers.

The work was expected to be completed by April 10, and then additional final road resurfacing would be done early next week.