Five Towns village elections on June 19

Uncontested races in Woodsburgh, Hewlett Bay Park, Hewlett Harbor and Hewlett Neck


The villages of Woodsburgh, Hewlett Bay Park, Hewlett Harbor and Hewlett Neck will hold elections on June 19 for mayor and trustee seats for their respective village boards. All terms are two years. All candidates are unopposed.

Trustees Edmond Mukamal and Lee Israel are running for re-election. Mukamal, a dentist, grew up in Woodmere and has lived in Woodsburgh since 1977. He has served as a trustee for 30 years. “I think I’ve served the village well,” he said. “I’m always concerned about the safety of our residents and maintaining the village.”
Israel, a 12-year Woodsburgh resident, has been a trustee for the past two years. He has been involved in village government for a decade as he previously served as treasurer and commissioner of roads. He is also currently the president of The Woodmere Club and treasurer of the Woodmere Bay Yacht Club. “I want to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely and conservatively and to assist in any way possible to make Woodsburgh the greatest village possible,” he said. “We’ve made quality of life changes that are good for the community and I want to continue to do what we’ve been doing.”
Voting is from noon to 9 p.m. at the Keystone Yacht Club at 190 Woodmere Blvd. South in Woodmere.

Hewlett Bay Park

Involved in village government since 1992, Mayor Steven Kaufman is running for his fifth term and has several items on his agenda. “I would like to develop a village website and work to improve our infrastructure, keep village roads maintained and look into doing our own snow removal,” he said. “We’ve been able to keep our village tax rate the same for the last 10 years and [the board] looks to do the best we can without raising taxes and within our means.”
Trustees Joel Schneider and Andrea Soskel are also running for re-election. Soskel, a 15-year Hewlett Bay Park resident, has served as a trustee for 10 years. “I like to make sure everything is running smoothly and to keep the village beautiful and protected,” she said. “I want to maintain the village as it’s a lovely community.”

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