Lawrence Antics

Growing into senior year at Lawrence Woodmere Academy


My name is Justin Greene, and I read voraciously, break into song throughout the day, and find solace in creativity and self-expression.

Here at Lawrence Woodmere Academy, I take part in drama and contribute to Paper Clip — the school’s literary magazine — along with other extra-curricular activities, and challenge myself by taking several AP and honors classes.

I am also fortunate enough to be writing this biweekly column, an opportunity most aspiring writers dream about. This is the beautiful thing about LWA; my peers and I are all of varying personalities and opinions, yet here we find outlets for all our interests.

I have exited the school bus these first few weeks with excitement and edginess. Entering the building intensifies both emotions. Headmaster Alan Bernstein smiles as always, his outstretched hand waiting to greet all incoming students.

The social scene at school is vibrant; friends are reunited after a three-month hiatus. The introduction of many new Chinese students this year further diversifies our student body.

“Going back to school is always bittersweet,” Vinny Alfano, co-captain of the cross-country team and fellow senior said. “The summer is a relaxing, easy going time and it isn’t fun when it ends, but it’s great seeing your classmates and teachers again.”

Alfano’s sentiments mirror mine. While most of us enjoy the warm temperatures and lively activities of summer, we also treasure our time with peers and instructors. Three months into the school year, many of the sports and productions we most look forward to are already underway.

The girls’ varsity volleyball team began the season with a bang, winning its first two matches. The boys’ and girls’ soccer teams, as well as cross-country, have begun their seasons with an unparalleled drive and desire to emerge triumphant.

Auditions for “1984,” one of this year’s plays, ended and tryouts for “The Wiz” are underway. The faculty is polishing the 2011 Faculty Show, an over-the-top showcase of its comedic and musical abilities.

For the seniors, the completion of high school will also be bittersweet. But as the first weeks of school got underway, even those in our final year have much to look forward to at LWA.