Hewlett Happenings

Hewlett High’s ‘(Don’t) Tell Anyone I Have This’


The beginning of April marked history at Hewlett High School. For the first time, a full-length play written by a student was produced by the school as a theater show.

The play, written by high school senior Emma Tsoglin, titled “(Don’t) Tell Anyone I Have This” was a must-see for all faculty, students and families. 

Dawn DeMaio, director of the theater program and Thespian Honor Society at Hewlett High, offered this writing opportunity to Tsoglin, who is known for her phenomenal writing abilities.

DeMaio became familiar with her skills with through Tsoglin’s role as a member of the Thespian Honor Society and various theater classes. 

Tsoglin was given creative liberties when writing the play and could write the plot on her own accord, resulting in the creation of “(Don’t) Tell Anyone I Have This.” The play focused on the stories of friends, family and certain objects special to them. It explored the human tendency to attach memories to objects and places. 

From a stuffed animal to a world globe, all age groups could relate to the scenes presented. The audience understood the sense of attachment felt by the characters, adding another layer of enjoyment to the play.

The characters expressed their thoughts directly to the audience in between major scenes, providing an additional opportunity to relate to their thoughts and actions.

Cameos from the objects themselves as characters also brought a sense of humor to the play, including a dinosaur-shaped stuffed animal. These scenes complemented the profound focus of the play, bringing in many chuckles from the audience. 

“(Don’t) Tell Anyone I Have This” premiered on March 30, with additional show dates on April 1 and 2. Students, families, faculty and staff crowded Hewlett High’s Little Theatre to watch the play.

The show could not have been created without the guidance of director, Dawn DeMaio; producer, Mariah Duffy; student director, Isabelle Borohov; assistant student director, Sarah Smith; and stage manager, Melissa Ruvinov.

The cast members featured in the show included Abigail Stroh, Anneliese Baum, Olivia Ginzburg, Marion Hausmann, Evan Baum, Rachel Chen, Armin Suljic, Jeff Castellon, Ben Sonant and Nicole Kuznetsov. 

After the success of Tsoglin’s play, many look forward to watching more full-length plays written by students soon at Hewlett High School.