Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library budget approved

Unopposed Trustee Shari Braverman receives 300 votes


Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library's proposed budget was approved on Tuesday by a count of 273-94.

The budget for 2012-'13 — $5,962,624 — will be $73,221 more than the current budget of $5,889,403.

Library officials said that they sought to make cuts without endangering the programs and services the library offers.

There is expected to be a reduction in staff and salary. However, Library Director Susan de Sciora declined to be specific in a previous interview.

Facing the state's mandated 2 percent tax cap, the library will have a tax levy cap of 2.2 percent. The tax levy — the amount of money the library raises through taxes — will be $5,766,404 and falls within the library's allowable limit of $5.766,868, officials said.

Running unchallenged, Trustee Shari Braverman was re-elected for her second five-year tem with 300 votes. There were no write-in ballots cast.