A Christmas message

Holiday lights shine in harmony and hope


“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Watching sports on television is an American past time for the vast majority of us. The scripture reference (John 3:16) appears on our TV screens throughout these games by some rather enthusiastic — some might say overly zealous — fans.

We all need signs and reminders from time to time of our beliefs and our need to be awakened — yes, even at a football game. For those who sign themselves as followers of Jesus Christ, that faith cannot ever be hidden or suppressed. It’s a reality — Emmanuel, “God with us.” And that reality demands a response from within us.

Christmastime is the season when our faith blossoms beautifully with lights (sooooo many lights), decorations, color, songs and carols, and nativity scenes that bring the simplicity of new life and new light into a world of too much darkness and doubt, fear and shallow faith. This is a Holy Season because we believe that God entered the history of humankind in order that we would embrace Him and accept Him in faith and in fact.

All life needs light to live and grow. Nothing can live in darkness, nothing can exist without nourishment. Christmas reminds us that God nourishes us with His presence in the center and even the hidden corners of our lives. We cannot save ourselves. That’s essential to Christmas time and the essence of being Christian. All light leads us forward — the light of Christ leads us to that which is eternal — now and always.

This year the Light and the lights seem brighter in our community as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrate the miracle of the light of Hanukkah. Our lights will shine in our community parks together — not in competition or conflict — but in Harmony and Hope and yes, even for all that is still possible. Our faiths are strengthened by one another. God so loved the world!

The great Saint Augustine — a scholar and theologian — once wrote simply, that “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” Think of that beautiful gift this Happy and Holy Season. May Peace and Faith bring peace to our world — now and for all eternity.

Msgr. Paul F. Rahilly, St. Joachim’s Church, Cedarhurst