In Hewlett, supporting the police


Ribbons are associated with upbeat occasions such as first place ribbon for winning a contest or a ribbon-cutting to celebrate a new business.

On Feb. 6, outside of the Hewlett House that is home to 1 in 9: The Long Island Breast Cancer Action Coalition blue ribbons were distributed to place on trees and flags along fences for people to show their support those in law enforcement.

Always difficult even under the best of circumstances, police have come under fire and the crisis hit home when two NYPD officers – Wilbert and Jason Rivera – were shot on Jan. 21. Rivera and Mora both died.

“As I watched the horrors of our policeman and police women being gunned down, spat upon and disrespected I could no longer do nothing,” Hewlett House Executive Director Geri Barish told the Herald in an email. “The pink campaigns for raising awareness of breast cancer or when we tied yellow ribbons around the old oak trees for the hostages to be released I thought why can’t we do that as well. So the blue ribbon campaign begins-tie a ribbon around a tree-wear one on your lapel help us to raise the consciousness level that we stand with those that serve.”