Keeping delivered packages safe from ‘porch pirates’


“Porch pirates,” people that steal delivered packages or other items from outside other people’s homes, are the scourge of many who are awaiting mail ordered merchandise, especially during the holiday season.

The Nassau County Police Department has a few tips to help avoid being a victim of the thieves. Select the required signature option when ordering. In most cases, you can either pick up the packages in person or schedule a delivery time for you or someone to be home. Ask the delivery service to hold the package for a customer pick-up. Delivery services such as FedEx or UPS have customer pick up at their retail stores.

Track the shipment online. Check the status and its estimated delivery time and aim to be home when the package is delivered. Avoid sending cash by mail. Checks and money orders are safer and might be canceled or reissued because of a theft.

Leave a note instructing the delivery person to leave the package with a neighbor. With more people working from home, it’s possible a neighbor could be home to receive your package. Have shipments delivered to another location where you or someone else can pick it up. If possible, have the package delivered to your work address.