Nassau Herald - Oct. 22-28

Letters to the Editor


Applauding the Herald’s efforts

To the Editor:

Kudos to the Herald for raising awareness regarding the problem of observant residents walking in the roadways (“A safety risk?” Sept. 24-30). This is a major safety concern for all of us. I have lived here for over 30 years, and recently the number of people walking in the street has greatly increased. Last Saturday night I had to swerve after turning onto Rock Hall Road to avoid a sizable group walking. There’s a sidewalk there so I don't understand the reasoning. My neighbor told me he had a similar experience on Broadway.

People with strollers need to be especially careful. In addition, this practice is certainly not a good example for young children learning appropriate traffic safety behavior.

I admire and respect all observant residents, but I fear for their safety if this habit of walking en masse in the street continues. With the number of road ragers, cell phone users, texters and overall incompetent drivers on the road today, disregarding traffic laws is a recipe for disaster. The Herald should be applauded for citing appropriate concern. Your article may help prevent a tragic accident.

The reader who wrote that your article was divisive (“Fixing sidewalks could fix problem,” Oct. 1-7) is simply misinformed. Automobile/pedestrian traffic safety is an issue of the utmost importance in this crowded community.

As our president is urging us all to work for "the good of the whole," we should all cooperate and enhance our wonderful quality of life here in the Five Towns. Here are some helpful numbers. For sidewalk problems, repairs or lack thereof, call (516) 571-3678. For traffic safety, call (516) 571-5032.

Again, I applaud the efforts of the Herald to protect our wonderful community. Keep up the good work.

Frederick K. Wendt, Woodmere

Community center thanks Toback for his support

To the Editor:

At the Five Towns Community Center, the scoreboard and glass backboards in the gym are up, leaks in the Head Start Program are sealed, the new fire alarm system has been installed to ensure all of our safety and I want to acknowledge Jeff Toback, our 7th District county legislator, for his support and advocacy.

We have verbally expressed our appreciation to Jeff for keeping us on the radar and assisting us in the aforementioned projects, but I write to say that all of his efforts have been profoundly helpful to us in keeping the agency afloat in these very tough economic times.

Additionally, we appreciate his recommendation and application for special funding to help refurbish the senior center and make it a warm and inviting place where our seniors can socialize and receive nutritious meals on a daily basis.
Peter Visconti, the Five Towns Community Center's associate director, and I thank Jeff for the special support he has offered to us as we work to address the many challenges that we know are still ahead in 2010.

Bertha Pruitt, Executive director, Five Towns Community Center

Thank you, St. John's

To the Editor:

I’m writing to thank the staff of St. John's Episcopal Hospital in Far Rockaway for the excellent service I received when I was brought to the emergency room on Aug. 25 with a broken wrist and shattered hand.

From the time I entered the hospital, and throughout my overnight stay, I received excellent care and compassion from a team of professional health care providers. The emergency room staff, the operating and recovery room staffs and the unit staff were all remarkable in their attentiveness and care extended to me and my family.
The Five Towns community and those in the vicinity are very fortunate to have such a wonderful hospital and dedicated staff available to us when needed. I thank them again for their service and their commitment to our community.

Brian Ciaravolo, Malverne