Lawrence Lately

Proud to have attended Lawrence schools


Unlike many other students in our district, the Lawrence experience was different for me. I became a registered public school student at the start of fifth grade at the Lawrence Middle School. Before that, I attended the Jewish day school The Brandeis School in Lawrence.

However, I know my family's decision to switch me into public school was something that helped me come out of my shell. I would not be the same person today if I had not gone to the Lawrence Middle School and Lawrence High. As my final week in this place comes to a end, words cannot describe how heartbreaking this closing chapter is for me.

One of the most unique aspects about Lawrence is the diversity. At my private school, there was almost no diversity in the student body whatsoever. However, Lawrence has given me the opportunity and privilege to get to know people of all denominations. I

have learned not only academic lessons, but life and social lessons as well here. I believe as though no other public school on Long Island could provide as well rounded of an educational environment as Lawrence.

The bonds I have made with both peers and teachers in Lawrence are unbreakable. In fifth grade, I knew nearly no one in my grade. However, so many kids took me under their wing and I am still close with them to this day. I will never forget their kindheartedness and generosity.

The teachers at Lawrence have created the foundation of my education that I will carry on to the next chapter of my life. Without their perseverance and dedication, I never would have succeeded as much as I did in high school. They are what make Lawrence as strong as it is, and I am forever indebted to them all.

I believe I can speak for all Lawrence students when I say we will miss really high school. We will miss all the memories, laughs, and the friends we have made. Though at times high school can be pretty rough, like it is all students, it really is a magical place.

As we all move closer to graduation on June 26, the fact that we are going to be Lawrence alumni is becoming more real. I am proud to become a Lawrence class of 2017 graduate.