Thank you 662 times


It was during Presidents Week 1997 (actually it was 2/13/97, a date my somewhat critical Aunt Zoey refers to as "a day that will live in unfunny") when I wrote (not typed nor texted) my first column for the Nassau Herald. Since then the world (and many stomachs) have turned many, many times, as weekly (and on occasion, strongly) we've reflected on a wide range of topics, played with (and on) words, castigated pretense and affectation (including words like "castigate"), and introduced my readers (or, some might say, my perusers) to some characters and personalities with whom they can relate, but to whom they're happy not to be related.

Through essay and poetry, using narrative, proverb, bullet (proof) points, a bit of sarcasm and occasional wit and subtlety, not to mention humor (which Zoey agrees should remain unmentioned as it is so often "ungotten") we've sought to, as the 1997 introduction stated, "observe the human condition."

We've actually sought to do more than just "observe" (though so much is made of "strict observance") but rather to participate in and to comment on the human condition noting life's joys (as in weddings, graduations or returning from summer camp uneaten by either bears or counselors), life's disappointments (such as the loss of someone dear or, through employment, appointment or election the gaining of someone reprehensible), life's events (like trips to the grandkids, trips to the DMV or trips on ice), life's challenges (like diets, exercise and other torturous stuff that's allegedly good for you, as well as the kids growing up, out and wise while you're growing old from the process), and life's institutions (like houses of worship who only say "thank you" (for the donation) but never "you're welcome" (to be there) or government that's unfriendly, unresponsive and uninformed, or hospitals, schools and libraries that are, indeed, friendly, responsive and not only informative but inspiring in their performance and devotion.

Since 1997 this column has observed (and described) lots of kindness, feelings and good deeds, good people, good times, good things and good ideas (even when, admittedly, the columns themselves haven't been all that good!).

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