A Christmas message

What can we do For Christmas?


We can do a lot of things for Christmas: shop for gifts, go to charity events, sing carols and go to Midnight Mass. We can bring good tidings with programs, singing, performing, and acting in church or community shows.

People like to take a break from routine life, and try different things. Then of course there’s Christmas dinner for sharing the bounty of both food and friendship!

In fact, Christmas is the most bountiful season of all, because the heart of Christmas is the sharing of love, without conditional exchange. God gave us His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord. God loved the world so amazingly that He gave humanity this free gift of His Son to die for the sins of people, so that we all can live into everlasting life.

The German musician G.F. Handel shared his deepest feelings about this through his oratorio “Messiah.” He reminded us that a prophecy 800 years before Jesus was born told of a Savior. This promise became a reality when Jesus was born, to become Good News for all people. Handel told not only about Christ’s birth, but also about His death and resurrection.

So beyond the brilliant melodies and harmonies, the oratorio brings us the words, the biblical Word of God. Handel crossed the barriers of language and culture, using his second language (English) to serve in another country (England) and articulate the message of faith! He offered the whole world this message for all time through the international language of song; how about that?

Today is a changing world. Pick up any book of Christmas carols, and maybe half of the songs are not related to the original message of Christmas at all. Instead we’re singing about snow, trees, Santa, or even winter and reindeer. Let’s not lose the deepest meanings of the season.

You and I are not G.F. Handel — but we too can tell about our faith in ways that are joyful and beautiful to others. By what we say and do every day, by our actions of care and support, our lives and words can also tell how God offers His loving presence and guidance to everyone. What we can do to express that love, this Christmas and every year? Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Rev. Mary Chang

Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Cedarhurst