Ten Baldwin High School students win PSEG contest


Baldwin High School students Jordyn Faria, Justin Funkenberg, Gabrielle Gorgue, Logan Kirshner, Samaya Lindo-Smellie, Ethan Questelle, Solomon Ruff, and Jasmin Tiong-Smith won PSEG Long Island’s Fifth Annual Energy Conservation PSA Contest.

The ten Baldwin High School students, along with twenty-five others from various districts, received certificates commemorating their achievements, along with Amazon gift cards and tickets to the Long Island Children’s Museum. Additionally, their teachers were awarded funds to host a class party in celebration.

“We are so proud of these young students who created PSAs to educate others on clean energy concepts, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and conserving energy. It was great to share in these kids’ special moments and to meet and thank the teachers who implemented the coursework with them,” Michael Voltz, director of energy efficient and renewable energy, wrote in a news release.

The lessons covered the benefits of renewable energy options, which the students incorporated into their video PSAs. The high school program involved 347 students participating in the coursework, with three winning videos selected based on a strict grading rubric.

“It was an honor to meet these young conservation advocates and watch their creative videos with them in person,” wrote Michael Presti, PSEG Long Island’s director of customer experience and marketing and cohost of the event. “It was wonderful to have their parents and teachers join us as we unveiled the students’ work at the Long Island Children’s Museum.”

Sponsored by PSEG Long Island, the I Am Em-Powered program is offered free to students in the company’s service area—Nassau and Suffolk counties and the Rockaways. This STEM-related coursework includes lessons on energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy, aligning with current school curricula.

PSEG Long Island provides educational resources through its Community Partnership Program, reaching tens of thousands of young learners with information about energy.