Introducing the '2035 Genius Hour'


Baldwin fifth-grade teachers Jennifer Sullivan and Maryann Troy at Brookside Elementary School introduced the Baldwin 2035 Genius Hour this school year, with their young learners initiating a “Baldwin 2024 Saves 2035” project aligned with the district’s vision of “Baldwin 2035.”

 “I am incredibly proud of our teachers, Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Troy, for developing this enriching experience for our fifth graders,” Anne Marie Squicciarini, Brookside principal wrote in a news release. “Seeing the exceptional work produced by our students as a result of Baldwin 2035 Genius Hour has been so exciting. Their impactful contributions to our community and their unwavering effort to fight erosion on Long Island is not only inspiring but has led to a much deeper learning experience for all involved.”

Topics included Long Island’s formation, plant tectonics and erosion. To share their discoveries and engage others, they organized a “Celebration of Learning” event. Families were invited to explore a museum-like exhibition featuring stations that showcased concepts like “Continental Drift”, “Land Subsidence,” and “Agents of Change.” 

The students’ presentations encompassed informative posters with QR codes on land formation, erosion, ice age, and tectonic plates. Additionally, simulations of land subsidence made with legos; continental drift using Sphero balls, or coding robot balls; and solutions to prevent some of Long Island’s most pressing issues.

The Baldwin 2035 Genius Hour enhanced the fifth graders’ learning experience, fostering the skills aligned with the district’s six C’s for education (communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, character, and civics) and preparing them for their next journey: Baldwin Middle School.