Enforcement aide cited for protecting parking for disabled


Melanie Emmons believes public education of parking regulations and enforcement go hand in hand. And that belief propelled the Baldwin resident toward a citation from Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano for her work as a parking enforcement aide for the 1st Precinct.

Emmons received the honor in recognition of Disability Pride Month.

Throughout her decade-long career, Emmons has built a strong relationship with the Nassau County Office for the Physically Challenged.

She believes education and enforcement are the keys to upholding accessible parking regulations and insuring such spaces are available for those who need them. She has issued hundreds of summonses for misused, expired, altered and forged disability parking permits, and has assisted in four felony arrests.
“Finding and ticketing accessible permit abusers has become the most satisfying part of my job,” Emmons said. “So many people think it’s an easy way to get a good parking spot, and don’t think about the people who really need them. I feel as if I’m doing something important by helping those who truly need these spaces.”