World-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima visits Baldwin church


The world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima is making a visit to Baldwin this Sunday at St. Christopher’s Roman Catholic Church, and those in the community and its surrounding areas have the opportunity to pray and take photos with the statue.

The statue, sculpted by Jose Thedim in 1947 and blessed by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima in the same year, was specifically commissioned to serve as the Pilgrim Virgin. Reflecting the guidance of Sister Lucia, one of the three surviving Fatima Seers, it embodies the vision of Our Lady’s appearance as the Immaculate Heart to the Shepherds.

Since then, it has traveled to over 100 countries.

Gail Milne, a trustee at the church said it was months in the making for the church to be selected.

“It’s such an honor to have even been chosen to have the statue there, there’s a lot of excitement,” she said. “There’s a lot of planning and a lot of people involved in the planning. “

Under the Bishop’s auspices, the statue is under the auspice of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA  Our Lady’s Blue Army  the statue was entrusted to John Haffert, Blue Army co-founder, with a prayer that Mary herself would accompany it wherever it traveled. Its principal statue custodian is Patrick L. Sabat.

The essence of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue tours remains unchanged over time: to extend the graces of Fatima and convey message of hope, peace, and salvation to individuals, a message Milne believes everyone needs.

“We’re dealing with such hard times,” she said. “Not just the United States, but worldwide. There’s just so much angst in the world. It’s a lot of prayer, a lot of prayerful opportunities throughout that whole day.

“For peace, healing, good health, I think it’s a worldwide need right now,” she added.

For more information on this weekend, visit