
EMHS student named HOBY ambassador


Carly Salzman, a sophomore at East Meadow High School, has been selected as this year’s Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Ambassador. She will participate with other teens at the HOBY Leadership Conference this spring. This conference brings tomorrow’s leaders together with today’s recognized pioneers in business, government, education, and other professions to discuss present and future issues.
Salzman was chosen through a rigorous process that included the involvement of faculty, students, and administrators. She impressed the panel with her warmth, sincerity, and contagious smile. Her concern for others was apparent, school officials said.
Salzman is described as a very conscientious student who is also involved in various extracurricular activities that she enjoys and values. She is captain of the Junior Varsity Cheerleading Team, is on the Varsity Math Team, and is a member of EPIC (Encouraging Pride in Israeli Culture). Salzman is also quite the musician, playing the oboe and the English horn in the pit orchestra, the alto saxophone in the Jazz Band, and the soprano saxophone in the Sax Quartet.

Inspired by some wonderful teachers in her life, Salzman plans to be an elementary school teacher. To that end, she currently teaches Hebrew school and volunteers in her temple’s annual performances.
Salzman’s outgoing personality and unpretentious charm make her a natural leader. East Meadow High School is proud to be represented by such a mature, intelligent, and personable young woman.