Herald endorsement

Keep the school board intact


Tough times require strong, experienced leadership. East Meadow’s Board of Education knows a thing or two about tough times. Last year, despite their disagreements, board members battled through the process of hiring a superintendent. Police were present at some board meetings, anonymous letters were sent, and factions formed. It was referred to as a “three-ring circus.”
Most of that adversity ended last fall. Since then, the board has worked smoothly. Trustees worked with administrators to craft a budget with low spending and tax levy increases. Contracts were settled with the bargaining units representing teachers and administrators four months early.
And the transition of East Meadow’s new superintendent, Louis DeAngelo, has been almost seamless.
With revenue uncertain and likely decreasing from state and federal government sources, budgeting will become more of a challenge as the years go by. The new contract for teachers, administrators and school-related personnel — as well as the superintendent’s contract — expires in 2012.
Though programs and jobs will remain intact if the proposed budget passes, things may change in the next couple of years, and board members may not be very popular.
Because of two resignations last year, there are an unprecedented five seats up for grabs this year. Two are expected to go to returning board members Joseph Parisi and Marcee Rubinstein, who are running unopposed for three-year terms. We endorse them both.
Rubinstein stepped up to the plate last May, running for a vacant seat, and voters hit a home run. She quickly made an impact, updating and re-evaluating district codes as a member of the committee on policy as well as personnel. She is an advocate of special education and an active member of the community. We look forward to seeing what she can do in a full three-year term.

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