Swastikas found at East Meadow High School; investigation is underway


Two swastikas were found in an East Meadow High School classroom on Oct. 30, according to a letter sent out by the school's principal Richard Howard on Tuesday. 

The school said it alerted the Nassau County Police Department, and detectives assigned to the case have collected evidence and begun an investigation. 

Howard said the school is grateful the students who discovered the swastikas alerted staff immediately. 

"We urge anyone with information to please come forward either anonymously or by reaching out directly to an administrator, teacher, social worker, or member of our guidance department," Howard wrote. 

Howard said appropriate action will be taken. 

"I ask all parents to understand that your assistance in disseminating this message to your children is vital for our school," he said. "We share your frustration at even a single occurrence of such behavior, but we continue to believe that through partnership and education, progress will continue."