Freeport Hosts Annual WIC Breastfeeding Walk to Celebrate Breastfeeding Awareness Month


The Annual Catholic Charities of Long Island’s Women, Infants, and Children Program Breastfeeding walk took place in Freeport last Friday August 2, 2024, to raise awareness for Breastfeeding Awareness Month.

At around 10 a.m., mothers assembled at the WIC office on 333 N. Main Street where the walk took off.

Among them were breastfeeding moms and one prenatal mom. They came with their children, some with babies, and even a few dads joined the walk to show their support for Breastfeeding Awareness Month.

The presence of nurses from local hospitals and other healthcare workers came to help show their support which aligned perfectly with the theme of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding for All.” By 10:30 a.m., the group began their walk from the office onto the designated area map out for the walk.

During the walk, chants of “Breastfeeding, anytime, anywhere” and a song filled the air which added to the enthusiasm. “We also have a song...I came up with that was fun too… It says, “I don’t know what you’ve been told breast milk is liquid gold”” Breastfeeding Coordinator Marlyse Cetoute-Bernardin said.

The children who were present enjoyed the event, with some in strollers and others walking, while snacks and water were provided. After the walk was completed, everyone headed back to the office where the WIC program had a gathering where drinks and snacks were handed out for about 45 minutes.

Moms chatted and bonded over snacks, cake, and ice pops. The entire walk and gathering ended the day’s activities at 12 noon, which marked the successful end of 2024 WIC Breastfeeding Program Walk.

Cetoute-Bernardin reflected on the turnout for this year walk and she noted that they were expecting more mothers but due to the extreme heat, it led to last-minute cancellations. Despite this, the event was considered a success, with good participation from both moms and the community.

Healthcare workers from South Nassau, Catholic Charities, and Fidelis Insurance were present, highlighting broad support. While few local residents joined the walk, their cheers and waves from doorsteps were appreciated.

“We want everyone not only the moms, but everyone to support breastfeeding so the moms… can close the gap, the mom know about their right to breastfeed, anywhere, anytime” Cetoute-Bernardin explained.

She continued, “For example, the nurses or the institution… can advocate also for the mom to have longer time to bond with their babies, so that they