Girl Scouts dazzle at annual fashion show


The annual fashion show for the Freeport Association of Girl Scouts took place this past Friday, May 24, at the Freeport Memorial Library at 6PM.

The fashion show has taken place for the last three years. It is organized by Queenette Karikari — the troop leader of Freeport Troop 2221 and a Freeport resident — along with Colleen Haithman — the head of the Freeport Girl Scouts — as well as the other Freeport troop leaders, who first became involved with the Girl Scouts during the time of Covid, after seeking activities in which her own daughter could take part.

Karikari’s girl scouts are the youngest troop in Freeport, with ages ranging from around seven to nine, though two of the other troops also took part in the fashion show extravaganza.

“I started the troop during the pandemic,” Karikari said. “My daughter went to Kindergarten during the onset of the pandemic — so no socialization, no playdates, no anything — so I just needed to find some sort of community for her.”

“The inspiration (for the fashion show) came from… we just wanted the girls to feel really beautiful,” Karikari continued. “Girl Scouts is all about female empowerment, obviously. We do a lot of badge work… but you’re never quite sure as they’re growing up if they feel beautiful, if they feel admired. Because that’s a part of feeling powerful, when you look good you feel good. And so we started this just so the girls can express themselves.”

The girls dazzled with evocative and bold looks. Many of the girls sported formal wear, or outfits representing their cultural heritage. Also among the many looks was a tennis player, a barbie, a cheerleader, an homage to renaissance fairs, a number of time travelers dressing from olden times, a soccer star, a gymnast, and a variety of other compelling ensembles.

The girls themselves had much to say about their stylish evening.

Mia, of troop 1395, said her favorite part of the event was “walking down the runway and seeing everybody clap… I wanna say thank you (to our scout troop leaders) because not every single girl gets to do all this… so now these girls feel more confident in themselves and can feel more them self.”

Aria, 8 years old, stated that she enjoyed dressing up, and said “thank you mom for opening up a troop.” (Aria’s mother is Karikari.)

Sydney, also 8, dressed as a 50’s lady for her first look and wore an evening gown for her second look and said the inspiration behind her look was that “her nana was from the 50’s and that she likes dressing up.”

Vertullia, 7 and a half, from New Visions dressed as a tennis star, and said “she really likes sports and she loves to do tennis.”

Jordan, of troop 2086, in first grade at Giblyn, dressed in a style she described as “fancy,” and said she felt excited getting to walk down the runway in front of the crowd.

Perrime, 7, of troop 2221, said she most enjoyed taking a group photo with her fellow scouts, and wore Christmas colors.

Emmily, in fifth grade at Buckley Country Day School, said “I think my favorite part is when you just get up on stage and get to strike that first pose.”

She’s not planning on making a habit out of modeling, saying that the fashion show was just a “yearly thing,” though she thoroughly enjoyed the event.

When asked if she had anything to say to her troop leaders who put on the event Emmily was short and succinct, asking breathlessly “how do you do it?”