Shawn Wightman appointed as new superintendent of Roosevelt Union Free School District


After the retirement of previous superintendent, Deborah Wortham, the Roosevelt Union Free School District welcomes Shawn Wightman as the new Superintendent as of July 1, 2024.

With a distinguished career in educational leadership and a deep commitment to student success, Wightman brings a wealth of experience and a fresh vision to the district.

His appointment marks a significant step forward for the Roosevelt schools as they aim to enhance academic achievement and community engagement.

“It was a very fast transition into the position, because the next day, July 2, was actually the first board meeting”, he said.

Wightman’s journey to becoming the Superintendent of Roosevelt Union Free School District is one marked by dedication, innovation, and a passion for education.

He began his career as a classroom teacher, where he quickly developed a reputation for his engaging teaching methods and his ability to connect with students.

Wightman recalls his early education career by stating “I was a classroom teacher back in 1994 and I actually was started off as a middle school teacher.”

His commitment to fostering a positive learning environment earned him several accolades and the respect of his peers.

Recognizing his potential for leadership, Wightman pursued advanced degrees in educational administration. Wightman has an impressive educational background that underscores his commitment to excellence in education.

He holds a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum & Instruction for K-12, as well as an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) certificate in General Administration & Supervision for K-12, both from Wayne State University.

Prior to these advanced degrees, he earned a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Elementary Education from Saginaw Valley State University and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Elementary Group Minors from Western Michigan University.

In recognition of his dedication and expertise, he was awarded an Urban Superintendents Academy certificate from AASA/USC Rossier’s School of Education in 2016. His academic background, combined with his hands-on experience in the classroom, has given him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in education.

Wightman’s vision for Roosevelt Union Free School District centers on three key pillars: academic excellence, community involvement, and holistic student development.

He believes that every student has the potential to succeed, and it is the responsibility of the school district to provide the resources and support necessary for that success.

Wightman is committed to raising academic standards across all schools in the district. He plans to implement evidence-based teaching practices and rigorous curricula that challenge students and prepare them for future success.

“I’m committed to promoting equity and inclusivity in education.” He expressed.

By fostering a culture of high expectations, he aims to close achievement gaps and ensure that every student reaches their full potential. He began his role as superintendent of Marysville Public Schools in Michigan in October 2014.

During his tenure, he achieved remarkable success in various areas. Under his leadership, the district reached impressive milestones, including top SAT scores, high graduation rates, and excellent daily attendance, all significantly above county, state, and national averages. The high school also earned national recognition as a top school by U.S. News & World Report.

Wightman’s commitment to academic success led to improved student performance across multiple assessments and narrowed achievement gaps for various student subgroups. He introduced a 1:1 technology initiative for students from PreK through 12th grade and innovative STEAM programs at all educational levels. His leadership in the #GoOpen campaign promoted the use of openly licensed educational resources, and he developed a comprehensive district-wide assessment system.

Wightman’s commitment to early literacy and personalized learning greatly benefited Marysville’s students. He advocated for inclusive education by establishing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program and a Reading Recovery program.

Additionally, he expanded Advanced Placement (AP) and dual enrollment courses and implemented numerous personalized learning programs to cater to diverse student needs. His efforts also included introducing a strings music program, a “Begindergarten” preschool program, and an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program to ensure a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for eligible children.

Throughout his time at Marysville, Wightman’s innovative approach and unwavering commitment to student success left a lasting positive impact on the district.

Beyond his professional duties, Wightman is actively involved in his community. He is a member of the St. Clair County Council of Superintendents, the Roseville Optimist Club, and the Marysville Rotary and Lions Clubs. He is also featured in many publications and is a sought-after presenter and public speaker.

The Roosevelt Union Free School District is excited to welcome Wightman. His vision and experience are expected to bring a positive impact and build upon the strong educational foundation established by his predecessor and the Board of Education.

As Wightman steps into his role as Superintendent of Roosevelt Union Free School District, he brings with him a sense of optimism and a clear vision for the future.

He expressed that, “…the district is known for its openness to innovative approaches and new educational strategies, which is something that I am eager to bring my experience and ideas to the district that supports this creative solutions to the educational challenges that occur every year with students and even with programs and services that are being provided.”

“The district emphasis on community involvement and collaboration is something I deeply appreciate.” Wightman expressed. He continued by saying that “Building strong relationships with students, parents and the broader community is essential for fostering a supportive and inclusive educational environment perspective.”

“Roosevelt Union Free School District has a strong reputation for prioritizing educational excellence… as someone who is passionate about improving educational outcomes and sharing high standards, this district aligns perfectly with my values and professional goals,” he added.

With a collaborative approach and a focus on innovation, Wightman is poised to lead Roosevelt schools into a new era of success. The community eagerly anticipates the positive changes and new opportunities that his leadership will bring, confident that under his guidance, the district will continue to thrive and provide a high-quality education for all its students.