High school students receive Seals of Biliteracy


On June 17, 31 students from East Rockaway High School received the New York State Seal of Biliteracy medallion for high achievement in the State and National Language exams and 30 received the Seal of Civic Readiness.

“In a graduating class of less than 90 students, we have 31 students receiving the Seal of Civic Readiness and 30 receiving the Seal of Biliteracy,” Richard Schaffer, principal of East Rockaway High School, said. “Seventeen students have earned both. By comparison, our total number of students achieving this recognition is on par with schools that have senior classes 4 to 5 times as large. I must thank our World Languages Department Chair, Mrs. Rodriguez and our English and Social Studies Department Chair, Mrs. Bloomfield for prioritizing this initiative and ensuring that every student that could and wanted to earn these seals had the opportunity to do so.”

The NYS Seal of Biliteracy recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in English and one or more world languages. The NYSSB takes the form of a Seal on the student’s diploma and a medallion worn at graduation. It affirms the value of diversity in a multilingual society and provides universities and future employers with additional information about applicants.

The NYS Seal of Civic Readiness honors students who demonstrate high levels of aptitude for social studies and are committed to involvement in their communities.

Like the Seal of Biliteracy, Seal of Civic Readiness recipients are honored with a certificate, medal, and a seal on their final diploma. Civic readiness is the ability to make a positive difference in the public life of communities through the combination of civic knowledge, skills and actions, mindsets, and experiences.