
Let’s shake on prioritizing sportsmanship


The return of fall scholastic sports on Long Island is the first opportunity of the new school year to remind athletes, coaches, parents and the fans in the stands of the importance of sportsmanship.

We’ve heard the refrain for decades that sports build character. The aspects of competition that do that include not just listening to coaches’ instructions, learning techniques and plays and practicing hard, but also — every bit as important — respecting your opponent and those who officiate athletic contests.

One of the most vital lessons young competitors can learn is to be fair and gracious, in both victory and defeat. After giving it their all on the field, on the court or in the pool, and then acknowledging their opponents’ efforts, student-athletes show respect for their competitors, and themselves, that ultimately makes them better people, more mindful of relationships in all phases of their lives.

Taking part in school sports introduces young people to teamwork, in all of its permutations — winning, losing, cooperation, conflict — and the lessons of sportsmanship learned on playing fields are among the keys to developing a well-rounded character.

The National Federation of State High School Associations emphasizes that sportsmanship is an expectation that athletes, coaches and fans alike should uphold. Shaking hands after a game, avoiding trash talk and respecting referees’ decisions reinforce the concept that everyone is equal on the field, and that every player deserves respect.

A 2019 study by the Aspen Institute found that participation in youth sports improves social skills, including empathy, patience and cooperation. Some 83 percent of student-athletes surveyed for the study reported that sports had taught them the importance of respecting others — not just their opponents, but their own teammates and coaches as well.

Coaches play a pivotal role in shaping the behavior and values of student-athletes. The way they handle both wins and losses sets an invaluable example for their players. According to a study by the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, student-athletes whose coaches emphasized respect and teamwork, reinforcing fair play in both practices and games, were significantly more likely to manifest those qualities among their teammates and opponents.

Parents also shape their children’s understanding of good sportsmanship. We’ve all seen parents who appear to be living vicariously through their kids, or reliving their own glory days. That can lead them to exert too much pressure on their children. Some 75 percent of young athletes surveyed for a study by the Journal of Sports Behavior said that excessive parental pressure to succeed created anxiety, and detracted from their enjoyment of the game.

When parents emphasize winning over playing with integrity, and pass down a “win-at-any-cost” mentality, that undermines the principles of sportsmanship. Parents, and others in the bleachers, can instead reinforce those principals by modeling respectful behavior. Cheering for the team, acknowledging the efforts of both sides and refraining from criticizing referees are simple but powerful ways parents can teach their children the importance of fairness.

By maintaining a positive attitude toward the game, regardless of the outcome, parents provide a strong example for their children. And they should talk with them about the importance of sportsmanship, to reinforce the idea that success in sports isn’t just about winning.

In a 2020 study by Project Play, a vast majority of youth athletes acknowledged that sports taught them how to respect authority figures, such as referees and coaches. As they come to understand that referees are responsible for ensuring fairness, youngsters learn the importance of respecting the rules that govern not only sports, but life in general.

As the school sports seasons unfold, and students navigate the highs and lows of competition, with the guidance of their coaches and the support of their parents, no lessons they will learn will be more important than sportsmanship.