
A 'Winter Wonderland' tea in Lynbrook

Historical Society of East Rockaway and Lynbrook hosts annual tea event


Almost one hundred people attended the Historical Society of East Rockaway and Lynbrook’s annual tea held in the Lynbrook Public Library Great Room. The theme was “Winter Wonderland.”

President Madeline Pearson and Program Chairwoman Mary Colway were “thrilled” with the turnout

“Each year we call upon the East Rockaway High School Key Club and the Girl Scouts to help us with this event,” said member Pat Syympson. “The young people are very important. We set up the tables, tea cups, etc. on Saturday, and we had Girl Scouts help us with that. Sunday we prepare all the foods at the library in the morning, under the supervision of Regina Flaherty. “

And when the tea begins, said Sympson, that’s where the Key Club and Girl Scouts come in, serving the three-courses of scones, tea sandwiches and desserts in assembly-line order.  They made themselves available to fill the tea pots and bring tea to the tables  so that each person can have tea with each course. The young people completed the tea by helping with the cleanup.

There was a Chinese Auction and entertainment by singer, Les Degin, funded by Krendel Contracting Co. Even Assemblyman Brian Curran made a surprise appearance with a simple “thank you for the work you do.”

The funds raised help the Historical Society of East Rockaway and Lynbrook continue to make history come alive.  In March, the HSERL will host a speaker who will talk about the Civil War, centering on several soldiers from this area who fought in that war. They are also preparing for their retrospective in June in which  all East Rockaway and Lynbrook  public and parochial fourth grade students  participate to showcase the area’s history. Check the Community Update pages in the Herald in the coming weeks for more information.