Albert Lin visits amputee support groups on Long Island


Albert Lin, National Geographic’s Lost Cities Revealed host, explorer and amputee, virtually visited amputees at Lynbrook Restorative Therapy & Nursing, Excel at Woodbury for Rehabilitation and Nursing, and Momentum at South Bay for Rehabilitation and Nursing.

This monthly amputee support group is one of the only ones of its kind on Long Island. Lin joined 20 fellow amputees from the group and rehab staff to speak about his personal experience as an amputee, share a motivational story, speak on the struggles he has faced, and deliver a personal message on how to successfully navigate life for people living with limb loss.

“Many amputees suffer from depression with few places to go to for help. Our support group is one of the only that exists on Long Island that provides these individuals a place to go and a community of people who share common bonds,” Brian Cordts, director of Lynbrook Restorative Therapy & Nursing’s Amputee Support Group, said in a press release. “We reinforce every month that they need to know that they are not alone. Dr. Lin reassured our patients to never give up and that life is worth living. His will to survive and accept challenges has inspired all of the members of our group.”

During the support group meeting, Lin said, “I want everyone to know that losing a limb isn’t the end of the world, it is just the sign of a new beginning. Losing my leg was the greatest health benefit as it taught me how to properly take care of my body and live a healthy lifestyle.”

He continued, “I urge amputees worldwide to not lose hope and instead, use this experience to go out and embrace these new challenges to create a new and better version of yourself. As a community, it is important that we help each other see the power of perspective, instead of being a victim of limb loss, we can be champions and achieve great success.”

The support group’s three facilities, Lynbrook Restorative Therapy & Nursing, Excel at Woodbury for Rehabilitation and Nursing, and Momentum at South Bay for Rehabilitation and Nursing, hosts monthly hybrid meetings — in person and on Zoom — with individuals recovering from limb loss.  The goal is to share information, discuss challenges, successes and to raise spirits. The programs multidisciplinary team of specialists work with each patient to develop a personalized program aimed at restoring their confidence and providing the skills necessary to live an independent life post amputation. In addition, all three facilities provide short-term, in-patient amputee programs, which is open to all community members. 

“Dr. Lin is an inspiring individual and my new favorite hero,” Tully, a member of Lynbrook Restorative’s Amputee Support Group, said.” His positive messages of staying fit and being resilient are crucial for those who are currently in the recovery process. I am grateful for his positive affirmations and the leadership of the support group that was able to make this meeting a success.”

There are currently two million people in the United States suffering from limb loss. Each year, approximately 180,000 amputations occur as a result of accidents, cancer, or other health-related conditions including diabetes, which is responsible for 75,000 amputations.

For more information about the Amputee Support Program, visit To learn more about Lin, visit