School News

Davison Avenue School celebrates International Day


    Dressed in colorful costumes representing countries from around the world, students at the Malverne's Davison Avenue Elementary School staged a parade of nations to mark the start of their 10th annual International Day.
    “For centuries, people all over the world have used song and dance to tell stories, send messages, celebrate and learn about one another,” said teacher Marguerite Robles in her introductory remarks. “As we gather here today for International Day, we will use the songs and dances of many nations to celebrate our diversity and our unity.”
    After a lively dance presentation by the Davison Avenue Stompers, students performed a medley of traditional songs and dances that represented the cultures of South Africa, Brazil, China, Ireland, Ukraine, Poland, Haiti and the United States.
    Members of the Culture and Language Club also shared stories about their virtual world travels throughout the year. At the end of the presentations, prizes were awarded in a bike raffle and 50/50 drawing. Proceeds from the raffles will be used to send local children to summer camp and to help a local girl in need of medical attention. The festivities concluded with a carnival in the playground.
    International Day was organized by Robles, Bridget Hun, Debra Pirro and the Cultural Arts Committee, with the support of the Davison Avenue PTA.