A Herald Q&A

Getting to know ... the F&L deli owners

Celebrating one year on Atlantic Avenue in Lynbrook


Larry Mastropolo and Frank Sorrentino have owned F&L Deli on Atlantic Avenue in Lynbrook for the past year, and are celebrating their one-year anniversary this month. The two owners are active in the community and in village youth sports leagues, and offer student discounts as well as Sunday ravioli specials. Mastropolo and Sorrentino sat down with The Herald to discuss what they love about Lynbrook, why people should shop local and what makes their deli unique.

The Herald: What makes your deli stand out from the rest?
Larry Mastropolo: We have month-to-month specials. We always got something going on. We have all sorts of Italian and American prepared foods. You can just take it home, heat it up and eat a gourmet meal.
Frank Sorrentino: It's got to be what we make. We brought the old-family store back to the community, which it didn't have. We try to add that personal touch.

H: If you had a ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
FS: Definitely Italy. It's where my family's from, and I have a passion for Italian food.
LM: Same for me, I've never been.

H: What's your favorite place to go in the village?
FS: Angelina's.
LM: I'd have to say Miller's Hardware. I'm always doing work on my house, and they got everything from soup to nuts.

H: Why should residents shop at your deli?
FS: We're like a superette. You can avoid the supermarket and its prices. Plus, we can cater for any size party and we deliver.
LM: We also serve prime meats at good prices. We just hope that residents of the community shop in the community more often to help local businesses.

H: What kind of work do you do in the community?
LM: I've been president of the Cyclones Youth Baseball since 2001. We help the schools out by catering some PTA dinners and different athletic functions, and we donate food to local churches and temples for their food drives.

H: What's a television show that you can't miss?
LM: Law and Order.
FS: 24 on Fox. There's only six hours left!

H: How would someone from high school remember you?
LM: I guess they'd probably remember my typical talk. It sounded kind of like Rocky Balboa.

H: What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
LM: Rye toast and coffee.
FS: Whole wheat toast, dry, and a cup of coffee.

H: If you could relive one day in your life, which would it be?

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