
Lynbrook mayor back on board

Hendrick is out of hospital, but still faces heart surgery


Lynbrook’s mayor, Bill Hendrick, took his center seat at Monday night’s board meeting after being hospitalized for several weeks.

Hendrick turned his attention to the night’s business right away, occasionally tossing in jokes that residents have come to expect from him. His laughter seemed light, and he said, “I’m back.”

Trustee Tom Atkinson told Hendrick it was nice to see him. “It was nice to be seen,” Hendrick responded.

Hendrick was rushed to Winthrop Hospital’s Intensive Care unit on April 29 after his doctor found that his spleen was infected and a CT scan revealed a possible heart problem. After nearly three weeks in the hospital’s ICU he was transferred to a regular room, where doctors continued to monitor him. He was released from Winthrop at the end of May.

“He is progressing, but they still have to do [heart] surgery,” Deputy Mayor Alan Beach said last week. “They have to continue certain medications to make his heart stronger.”

Shortly after being released from the hospital, Hendrick gave the welcoming address at the village’s Memorial Day ceremonies.

Hendrick expressed his gratitude to Beach and Trustees Mike Hawxhurst, Hilary Becker and Atkinson. “I have the best board ever, who filled in for me,” he said. “I knew what was going on [in the village], and I didn’t have a care in the world.”