Malverne kids win Curran's contest honoring the American flag


Assemblyman Brian Curran’s annual event for Flag Day, which celebrates the birthday of the American Flag, saw students from across Malverne and Lynbrook honored for their success in his art and essay contest.

Chelstin Villar, a first grader from Malverne’s Maurice W. Downing Primary School was among the winners. James Moran, from Malverne, was a runner-up.

“Chelstin and James truly embody what it means to be an American patriot,” Curran said in a statement. “The stars and stripes of the flag are more than just a symbol, they are an embodiment of who we are as Americans, and Chelstin perfectly embodied that in his submission.”

The event, on June 15 in Gries Park, saw dozens come out to express their love for the American Flag and the nation as a whole.

“If you look up the word ‘patriotism’ in the dictionary, you’ll find it defined as ‘love of and devotion to one’s country,’” he added. “The American Flag puts that definition into tangible form.

“As a matter of fact, it epitomizes patriotism at its purest. We see the flag displayed year-round in so many different places, from government buildings to schools, cemeteries and our own homes. Whether it’s on a day like today or any other nationally observed holiday, Americans fly Old Glory to commemorate great achievements and events.”