McDonald appoints new deputy mayor


Following the death of James Callahan III last month, Malverne Mayor Patricia McDonald appointed Trustee Joseph Hennessy deputy mayor and is considering candidates to fill the vacant trustee seat.

“I was very honored that she picked me,” Hennessy said, adding that the mayor told him she felt his experience on the board made him a good choice. Hennessy served as village mayor from 1991 to 1995 and returned to the board to serve as trustee in 1997. He has been on the board ever since and is currently serving his fourth term. Hennessy will be up for re-election in 2013.

“I asked her, ‘Are you sure this is what you want to do because you’re crossing party lines,’ and she said, ‘Absolutely,’” said Hennessy, who is a member of the Village Party and serves as the board’s budget officer. McDonald is a member of Malverne’s Independent Party.

Rumors and speculation about who McDonald will choose to fill the vacant trustee seat are been floating about the village. But the mayor said she hasn’t made any decision yet. Although she has someone in mind, McDonald said she will discuss the matter with the board before making her decision sometime in the coming week.

When asked whether there’s any specific criteria she’s looking to see in a candidate, McDonald said, “Someone who has the village’s best interest at heart and loves and cares about the village like the rest of the board members.”

Whoever the mayor appoints to fill the position will only serve until March 2012, when the village will hold a special election for those interested in filling the position for the remainder of the four-year term.