Senior-led Mepham brings the energy


With 12 seniors returning, the Mepham girls’ soccer team is in good shape according to coach Janine Bizelia.

“They’re eager to do well,” she explained. “Last year we lost in the quarterfinals to the eventual county champion, South Side, and it was a 1-0 game so we were right there with them, so we’re looking to go even further this year.”

After a 3-3 draw in their first conference match, against Bethpage, some things got underlined on the Pirates’ drawing board.

“Their work ethic and their energy,” Bizelia stressed. “We always talk about energy and effort in every game, in every practice and to bring that energy and effort is something they all can control, no matter how good they are or what talent level they’re at so when we bring those, we really try to outwork the other teams, and I think that’s the key to our success. The rest of the stuff will come.”

To start, junior Kaitlyn Tansey stands out amongst the starting XI as someone who can and does contribute on the offensive and defensive ends of the field, tailoring her game to what the team needs at a moment’s notice.

“She just brings a different level to the game,” Bizelia said. “She plays in the back for us but we also play her as defensive center-midfielder. She’s really an all over the field type of player but she really brings out a true sense of the game.”

Adding to her in the attacking third there’s Gabriella Caminiti, a junior who regularly gets minutes in the midfield and forward slots, as well as senior Ava West, who’s regarded as a consistent goal-scorer.

All in all, there’s a plethora of strong veteran players, including returning senior goalie Melanie Arcos, who’s a figurative and literal backbone for the team. On the varsity roster since her sophomore year, this is her third year in the cage at this level.

“It’s just known in the conference, her being one of the best in the net,” Bizelia said. “She’s become more vocal and more confidence back there, directing the defenders in front of her. She’s just an amazing goal stopper for us. She’s definitely a leader on our team, the girls love her and as well as the coaches. Just a great overall student athlete.”

One of the captains, Addison Chiarello, is also expected to make a big splash on defense, especially given the fact that she’s returning from an ACL injury.

“She really is out go-to girl in the back line,” Bizelia said.

With all of those seniors, the logical question would be about the underclassmen, those with less experience and arguable less chemistry between themselves to perform successfully on the pitch.

Sophomore Addison Iemma and freshman Anna Kaplun are players who jump off the pages. They come off the bench and “give 110 percent the moment their cleats touch the field,” Bizelia said, with their maturity and ethic matching that of the seniors around them.

At the end of the day, it comes back to what the Pirates can control.

“I think the main focus for us is our energy and our effort,” Bizelia said. “We always preach that we can control certain things, attitude, energy, effort, and then the rest comes in place with training, working on tactical and technical ability. I think that falls into place if you show up and you’re ready to work and you need 110 percent.”