Meet West Hempstead’s valedictorian and salutatorian


Aden Palmer and Eduardo Leon Lotero have been named valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of West Hempstead Secondary School.

 Aden Palmer

Aden Palmer successfully achieved his goal of becoming valedictorian of West Hempstead High School’s Class of 2024. 

“It’s something I worked toward specifically,” Palmer said. “It’s an achievement I will never forget.”

Thought being named valedictorian is a huge honor, Palmer said his smaller successes are just as valuable to him. To be ranked first in an already impressive graduating class is a crowning achievement.

Over the course of his high school career, Palmer took a total of 11 Advanced Placement classes and participated in multiple extracurricular sports including volleyball, bowling and tennis.

“Mathletes was my favorite,” Palmer said of his extracurriculars. Math had always been his favorite subject. “I enjoy working to a set answer.”

“Aden Palmer represents the best of developed potential inherent in our most precious resource, our youth,” said State Sen. Kevan Thomas, who recognized Palmer for his academic accomplishment. “His achievements have brought enduring honor to his family and community and should be recognized and saluted.”

Following graduation, Palmer will be attending Rochester Institute of Technology, and is majoring in electrical engineering. The five-year course will allow him to get both his masters and bachelors degrees. He sends immense thanks to his family, teachers, and friends for helping him along the path to this achievement.

Eduardo Leon Lotero

Eduardo Leon Lotero describes being named salutatorian as his greatest achievement. 

“It feels great,” Leon Lotero said. “It makes all the studies worth it.”

Throughout high school, Eduardo took a total of 8 Advanced Placement classes and participated in various sports — volleyball in the fall, bowling in the winter and tennis in the spring. He was also a recipient of a West Hempstead Community Scholarship Fund award, and was chosen for the quality of his character and his outstanding academic achievements.

Leon Lotero and his family moved to West Hempstead from Columbia almost 3 years ago, and said his family was lucky to find the best town in the world.

“Since the first day that I attended West Hempstead Secondary School, I was supported and surrounded by the most wonderful people,” Leon Lotero said when he received the award. “It helped me reach all of my goals.”

On top of that, Leon Lotero was a member of the Five Towns Orchestra and the school jazz band, and earned piano and cello solos.

“It’s important to have balance between extracurriculars and studies.” Leon Lotero said. His system, which he’d recommend to future students, was to focus on sports and music during the day and academics during the night.

“That way, I could fulfill all my requirements and do everything to the best of my ability.”

After graduation, Eduardo will be studying finance in Malloy University in their business school.

—Additional reporting by Nicole Formisano

A previous version of this story erroneously stated Aden Palmer would be playing volleyball for RIT.