Caps off to Sanford H. Calhoun High School's graduates


Sanford H. Calhoun High School’s Class of 2024 was celebrated on the school field under clear skies and a canopy of blue and white on June 9.

Nicole Hollings noted that the ceremony was her 10th graduation as principal. She commended the Class of 2024 for how special they are as a collective whole.

“They have made Calhoun better because of all they did for this community, and I am blessed and proud to know them,” she said.

Board Trustee Megan Ryan also offered positive remarks for the graduating class.

Joseph Darcourt presented a cello performance as his salutatorian address. “For me, this piece represents ‘shake it up,’” he explained. “It embodies the spirit of embracing change, taking risks, and celebrating the present. Playing it for you today is a tribute to our shared experiences and the bright future that awaits all of us. And as we take the next step on our life paths, let’s remember to shake it up.”

After reciting a quote by Mother Teresa, valedictorian Fiona Wong focused on what “doing things with great love” really entails.

“There’s no wrong combination of what you choose to pursue, within Calhoun’s walls or through outside passion projects,” she said. “And it doesn’t matter if it’s just one commitment or multiple: what matters is choosing this passion based on what we individually believe in, and giving everything we have to make an impact. To me, impacts can be big or small - they’re defined by the effort we pour into making a difference for the people around us. We may not be able to solve a world crisis, yet, but we can raise awareness around our community. That goes back to Mother Teresa’s words: we all have the power to make small impacts with great passion, dedication, and love.”