Merrick elementary schools celebrate moving up ceremony


Merrick’s elementary schools students are moving onto middle school.

Birch, Chatterton and Lakeside schools all celebrated their moving up ceremonies at the end of June. Each school gathered individually at the Brookside Auditorium, to commemorate the sixth grade classes as they move up to their new respective schools.

Birch invited the student council co-presidents Georgianna and Madeline up to the stage to greet guests and talk about some of their favorite memories throughout their elementary school experience.

“We had some amazing teachers supporting us throughout the years,” Madeline said. “Their patience, intelligence and kindness has help guide and shape us into who we are today.”

“We will miss the Birch School spirit,” Georgianna added. “It is nothing something you can put into words. It is simply something you feel. This feeling travels throughout the school.”

Chatterton invited graduating members of the color guard to come to the stage and pass down the duties to members of the class of 2025, after Principal Dana Bermas greeted the students and talked about her favorite parts of being a building Principal.

“Over these past seven years, I have watched you develop from our tiniest students into mature, well-rounded young people ready to take on the world,” Bermas said. “Along the way, you have learned foundational and academic skills that will serve as a springboard to your continued success. But more importantly, you have learned invaluable lessons about collaboration, problem-solving, and how to be caring and compassionate citizens.”

Lakeside Principal Libby Trecheny also addressed her students, talking about the exciting new chapter that awaits them.

“You have grown in ways that are truly remarkable,” Trecheny said. “You faced challenges with determination and embraced new opportunities with enthusiasm. Your achievements span the realms of academics, arts, sports leadership and involvement. And by participating in various events and clubs, you have brought joy and pride to our school community.”

Each ceremony wrapped up with different members of the PTA and administration coming up to congratulate students on a successful journey thus far, and give them advice and confidence for the rest of the journey that awaits them.