Helping Haiti

Singing for a cause

Performers rally to help the littlest victims


Opera singer Andrea Arias-Martin felt that she has to do something when she heard about the devastation in Haiti. “The best I could do is what I do every day,” she said.
So soprano Arias-Martin, formerly of Lynbrook but now a resident of East Rockaway, quickly made some calls to friends and organized “Songs for Haiti,” a fundraiser that will feature opera, musical theater, and other entertainment venues.
Arias-Martin graduated from The Manhattan School of Music in 2008 with a master’s degree in music. She has performed in “Griffelkin,” “Street Scene,” “Elijah’s Kite,” and with the Chautauqua Opera. She has also took part in recitals at Our Lady of Peach Church in Lynbrook, where “Songs for Haiti” will be performed on Feb. 13 at 2 p.m.
Arias-Martin said that anyone can attend and make whatever donation they are comfortable with. “Five dollars of five cents, it’s about raising as much as we can,” she said. “It’s not only for the [adults] of Haiti, but for the children.”
The donations will be forwarded to Forgotten Children of Haiti, an organization that helps to provide relief to Haitian children in distress. Established in 1993 by a group of physicians, teachers, artists, and businesspeople, FCH’s mission is to improve the quality of life of Haiti’s poorest citizens — its children. Member participation is entirely on a volunteer basis.

“The needs of this Haitian community are greater than once imaginable,” wrote FCH President Leonard M. Esposito on the organization’s web site. “Now more than ever your help is needed to aid the students and the members of the community.”

How to help

The “Songs for Haiti” fundraiser will be held at Our Lady of Peace Church, 25 Fowler Ave., Lynbrook on Sat., Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. For more information, call Andrea Arias-Martin at (516) 967-9344, or visit her Facebook page: Andrea Arias-Martin; or visit the Forgotten Children of Haiti Web site at
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