Wellington C. Mepham graduates reflect on their journey


Wellington C. Mepham High School celebrated it’s graduating class of 2024 on June 9 out on the football field. The field transformed into a graduation stage as students, facility and family alike came together for this major accomplishment.

Mepham poet Laureate Matthew Tucci opened the ceremony with a poem for all of the graduates and Mepham singing group “MephAcapella” followed with a rendition of “Irish Blessing.”

Principal Anthony Demartinis then went on to talk about celebrating the differences in members of the school community.

“We all coalesce each day in this beautiful building rich with history and packed with inspirational educators and we form a community,” Demartinis said.

Valedictorian Christiana Foufas then addressed her peers by talking about the importance of family and connection.

“Meraki is a Greek word meaning to do something with creativity and love, and to put something of yourself into your work. It also encompasses perseverance,” Foufas said. “As we proceed to separate paths, I want you all to have meraki in all that you do.”

Salutatorian Matt Yang talked about the impact of athletics, as well his academic experience and how he plans to carry that with him past Mepham.

“Even though we will become separated after graduation, as we spread our wings and pursue our dreams, our unity and community as a class will remain forever,” Yang said.