Oceanside High School class of 2024 goes forward fearlessly


The Oceanside High School graduation ceremony for the class of 2024 was held with great fanfare and emotional resonance, marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication for the graduating seniors. The afternoon was punctuated by reflections on the past and an optimistic look towards the future. Phyllis Harrington, the Superintendent of the Oceanside School District, spoke about the students’ journey and the unwavering support they received from their friends, family, and the broader community.

“Please remember that your journey is just beginning,” Harrington said to the graduating class. “Your journey is bright and it’s yours to shape. Congratulations to the Class of 2024.”

Justin Connolly, the class salutatorian highlighted the importance of collaboration and the connections forged during their high school years. He emphasized that the skills they have developed, particularly in communication and problem-solving, will be essential as they navigate their futures. Connolly urged his peers to trust in their abilities, remain curious, and avoid procrastination to reach their full potential.

“Whatever the future may hold me, I encourage you to find at least one person you can truly trust to support you on your academic and professional journey,” he said. “Be confident. Go into every exam as is if you’re going to get a perfect score. Every job interview is as if you’re the clear choice for hire. Do everything like you are an expert. Others can only perceive you by the state in which you view yourself. If you have faith in your abilities and be true to yourself, you will reach your goals. Never forget that it is the people around you who give you the strength to go on when you need it the most.”

Julian Piedrahita, the class valedictorian, delivered a compelling speech focused on the role of fear in personal growth and success. Quoting from the novel “Dune” by Frank Herbert, Piedrahita discussed how fear can be a motivator for discovering new limits and achieving greatness.

“Fear is good,” Piedrahita said. “Try as you will, but it will always be there when you are on the precipice of something new and something better. I know it is scary, but I also know that if you internalize that fear, I assure you someone stronger will be left standing. Congratulations class of 2024, make fear the incentive for discovering new limits.”

Senior Class President Alex Boller announced the class gift, an Oceanside-themed mural to be displayed at the front of the high school. Boller spoke about the journey of self-discovery and encouraged his fellow graduates to trust in their unique abilities and perspectives, emphasizing that confidence and resilience are key to overcoming challenges and achieving personal success. He quoted Albert Einstein, reminding his peers that everyone has unique talents that deserve recognition and appreciation.

“We cannot let other people tell us who we are but rather we need to gain the confidence to stand up and fight for what we believe to be our passions, achieving happiness that is to only be defined by you,” Boller said. “Self-confidence is the antidote to impostor syndrome. Believe in yourself, in your abilities, and in your potential.”

Seth Blau, the President of the School Board, praised the graduates and acknowledged the heartfelt speeches by Connolly, Piedrahita, and Boller and highlighted the importance of embracing the moment and appreciating their accomplishments. As the Class of 2024 moves forward, they carry with them the support of their community and the lessons learned at Oceanside High School.

“Take a moment and just appreciate where you are today,” Blau said. “Embrace the moment. Think about what you’ve accomplished sitting here on the field on such a beautiful day. It is a true milestone in your lives and something that you’re gonna look back on as you move on and as you get older, with very fond memories.”