Triplets return to visit life saving SNCH


Triplets Lily, Connor and Kayla Julig of Oceanside, along with their parents William and Vanessa, returned to South Nassau Communities Hospital Oct. 9. Their first trip to the hospital was nearly five years ago after an emergency delivery by the hospital’s team of neonatologists and maternity doctors. That trip saved their lives.

In the pre-dawn hours on Jan. 13, 2011, Vanessa Julig, 33 weeks pregnant, awoke to find her bed sheets soaked. “I thought my water broke,” she said, instead she was hemorrhaging. She was rushed to South Nassau. “I wasn’t prepared to give birth in an emergency,” added Julig. The obstetrical team wheeled her into the operating room and delivered the babies, two girls and a boy, by cesarean section.

Neonatologist Paul Jean-Charles, M.D., said “We didn’t know the clinical condition of the babies, so we were prepared to do a full resuscitation and had respirators ready.”

The special reunion allowed the Juligs to offer an emotional, heartfelt thank you to the doctors and nurses who performed the life-saving emergency delivery. Meanwhile members of the delivery team, including Mikhail Plotnitskiy, D.O. and Charles, recounted the complex delivery and care of the triplets.

 A highlight of the reunion for the triplets, blowing out the candles of a specially baked cake to celebrate their return, and eating it too!