By Laura Lane
I wasn’t a journalist when I came to the Herald over two decades ago. Although I was an English and political science major at the University of Michigan and had always had a knack for writing, I knew nothing about newspaper writing. When I jumped in and began my swim upstream what I noticed first was that I loved journalism. And once I began my journey, I never stopped moving forward.
What I enjoyed about being a freelance reporter — which is where it all began for me — was interviewing people to uncover and then share their concerns, passions and sometimes need for help. A mother of young twins at the time, I also loved the intellectual stimulation. I’m not certain people know how much research journalists do to become expert about a subject before writing the actual story; you need to know what you are talking about for sure.
And then there was the thrill of writing the actual story, bringing the issue to life, uncovering what was hidden and inspiring readers to perhaps hold people accountable or help those who were in need.
I began by working for the Long Beach Herald. My children were 9 at the time and sometimes I’d take them with me if the story was something I thought they would enjoy.
One of my fondest memories was the polka band who performed on the beach. Watching people dance the polka was a thrill in itself for me, being part Polish, but also for my children. I remember we remained on the boardwalk as the sun set, unable to leave until the music stopped.
Around a year later I accepted a part-time reporter position for the Merrick and Bellmore Heralds. That’s when my writing focus shifted — I was no longer just covering fun, feature stories.
Sometimes the story was political. Other times it was a breakdown of the school budget before an election.
And once in a while the subject hit me in the gut. As journalists, even though we often remain outwardly detached, we are deeply affected by the people and issues we cover. It can be painful.
I will never forget the heartbreaking story I wrote about Robbie Lavine, a 9 year old who died while playing in a Little League game. It still gives me chills.
“He showed me that morning that he could finally do a pushup right,” his father, Dr. Craig Lavine told me, between sobs. “Robbie was nice to everybody.”
Although Robbie’s story wasn’t an obituary, it served as a precursor to my future. I would go on to write many obituaries. I’ve always felt a responsibility to pay tribute to the deceased by celebrating and honoring their life. Obituaries became my favorite stories to write.
Soon I was working full time as a reporter for the East Meadow Herald. And then eventually, I became the editor of the Oyster Bay Guardian, a paper that was over 100 years old. It was a wonderful experience.
I found that people in my coverage area loved their hometown and were passionate to preserve it. I wrote about the environment, historical stories, those that highlighted community leaders and several pieces on elections too. There were so many stories to write, many of which to this day I fondly remember.
I was going to leave the Herald, ready for a new challenge. Boy did I get one and I didn’t even have to leave!
I was given the opportunity to found two new newspapers, the Glen Cove Herald and Sea Cliff/Glen Head Herald. I had never been to any of my new coverage areas and spent months exploring and gathering stories for our inaugural issues. On March 2, 2017 the first issue of the two papers was published. And yes, I still have copies.
Glen Cove is fascinating. It’s beautifully diverse, with so many people who are passionate about their city. The veterans have a strong presence, Glen Cove Police work to do the right thing and keep the city safe and I’ve covered several elections for mayor and city council.
I’ve always told reporters over the years you’ll never run out of stories to report on in Glen Cove. After a few months they agree.
And Sea Cliff — the hippy town of yesterday — is so beautiful with its homes that have wraparound porches and many parks. I do love it there!
Residents work hard to keep Sea Cliff “cool” and the many events I covered there prove they are always meeting that goal. Passion for the village runs deep in Sea Cliff.
I’ve been cleaning out my desk and tending to the mountain of newspapers I have collected over the years. You my readers have given me so much, so many wonderful memories. Thank you.
After over 20 years I am leaving the Herald to pursue a new challenge. But I will miss you all and thank you for providing me with your trust and some of the best experiences in my life.
You may still see me around town because I won’t be able to stay away. Please stop me and say hello and continue to read the Herald. I’ve left it in good hands.