Valley Stream Education News

Valley Stream District 24 swears in new Board of Education


The Valley Stream District 24 Board of Education recently held its annual reorganization meeting to swear in its members and welcome the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Newly elected member Alisa Clark was sworn in for her first year as trustee. Armando Hernandez was sworn in as president, and Melissa Herrera was sworn in as vice president. Superintendent Unal Karakas and district clerk Jennie Padilla were also sworn in for the new year. Attorney Chris Shishko was present to administer the oaths to all incoming officials.

“This past school year brought with it many successes and accomplishments. I’m honored to be leading our incredible district with such a hard-working, passionate group of Board of Education Trustees,” said Karakas. “We are already preparing for the 2024-2025 school year and are so excited for what’s to come.”