Herald schools

A young leader


Hannah Byrne has been tapped as this year’s South Side High School representative to the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Conference.

Those who know her say Hannah is a fine young woman who has immersed herself in extra-curricular activities at her school. She is a dedicated member of several clubs, including the National Art Honor Society, French Club and Peer Mediation. She has been elected as secretary of the class of 2012 for two years. Outside of high school Hannah is also an active participant of the Jewish youth organization BBG. She has an outgoing personality and a zest for life, characteristics that will serve her well at this prestigious conference.

For a weekend in the spring, Hannah will attend the HOBY seminar with sophomores from all over the tri-state area. She will take part in many leadership activities that will encourage and develop her already emerging skills.

HOBY is a national organization that sponsors leadership seminars in the United States and around the world. It is designed to take young leaders, like Hannah, and further their leadership potential.