
Baldwin is back in business!


If you wanted to open a business in Baldwin last week a ribbon shop might not have been a bad idea. The Chamber of Commerce got through yards and yards of ribbon as they celebrated nine grand openings along Grand Avenue and the surrounding area on Saturday.

An illustrious list of attendees graced the celebrations. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos was on hand as were Senior Town Councilman Anthony Santino, Assemblyman Brian Curran, Town Clerk Mark Bonilla and members of the Baldwin Chamber of Commerce and the Baldwin Civic Association. In spite of some threatening weather the occasion went off without a hitch, signaling to everyone that business in Baldwin may have been knocked down, but it should never be counted out!

“It’s awesome that what was once a fire-damaged strip is now bustling with new businesses,” said the chamber’s Debbie Pugliese. “People are investing on our community. We are so excited to have new businesses coming in to strengthen Baldwin.”