Car tires slashed on Prospect Ave, suspect at large


Residents on Prospect Ave in Glen Cove woke up on a Saturday morning on April 18 to discover their vehicles had flat tires.

In all, six vehicles had their tires punctured by an unknown person(s) who used some type of sharp object to pierce the tires, police said.   A suspicious, light colored small compact vehicle with a modified exhaust was seen in the area during the time the damage was done.

“This appears to be a senseless act of criminal mischief and it’s difficult to understand why someone felt damaging others property is something they needed to accomplish,” said Glen Cove Police Detective Lieutenant John Nagle.

Residents are encouraged to report suspicious vehicles or persons to the Glen Cove Police. And anyone with information on this crime is encouraged to contact the Glen Cove Police at (516) 676-1000.