
Central students show their Eagle pride


It was blue everywhere at Valley Stream Central High School’s Homecoming festival at Fireman’s Field last Saturday. Visitors first made their way to the concession stands to buy school gear. Then, the most daring Central Eagles fans had their faces painted in support of their team.

Students, including king and queen, Doug Medrano and Nikole Williams, strutted their stuff in a parade. Lead by the school mascot, members of each class displayed banners with a “Superheroes and Villians” theme. Seniors earned the first place spot for their banner, followed by the SCORE Club and Class of 2013.

The crowd’s energy and school spirit was well and alive during the main event, a football game between Central and Farmingdale High School. Several students lined up together, bearing a painted letter of the word, “Central” on their chests. Players entered the gridiron surrounded by spectators before succumbing to defeat. Farmingdale pulled off a 26-20 win against the Eagles, dropping Central to 1-5 on the season.