
East Rockaway honors its veterans


East Rockaway veterans, residents and politicians gathered at the Veterans Triangle on Main Street on a windy, sunny Veteran’s Day morning — 11-11-11 — to honor veterans not only in their village, but everywhere.

American Legion Commander Shelly Conn talked about the newfound respect that veterans have earned since 9/11, especially since returning vets were then being called “baby killers” during the Vietnam War, and spoke of just how far we have come as a nation in respecting and treating our vets ­— but we still have a long way to go.

“The people in the peace movement have finally been able to distinguish between the brave young men and women who risk their lives in foreign lands. and the chicken-hawk politicians who send them to their destiny,” Conn said. “Yes, today all of us uniting and respecting our veterans … I salute you for your service, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and keep you.”

“I salute all those in our many military organizations,” said Mayor Francis T. Lenahan, “ … anyone who played a role in a uniformed service of this county on this glorious Veterans Day, [and] for their unwavering devotion to this great nation. That is why we are here today.”