Georgia Avenue playground to be renovated


The city announced last month that the reconstruction the Georgia Avenue playground will soon be underway.

City Councilman Anthony Eramo and Commissioner of Public Works Jim LaCarrubba worked hand-in-hand with the community and Playground Systems, the equipment supplier, to develop the design and pick the equipment for this new playground

The old safety surface of the playground, which was damaged by Hurricane Sandy, will be removed and a new one will be installed, paid for by Federal Emergency Management Agency monies. Additionally, all new equipment and benches will be installed, leading to a long life span of the playground as a whole.

The city expects that the reconstruction of the playground will be completed by Memorial Day.

The remainder of the funding for this project is being provided by Community Development Block Grant Funds, which will cover the cost not funded by FEMA.

The spray park, which was constructed in 2009, requires no improvements or repairs and is not part of this project

The next park to be redone will be the Leroy Conyers Park playground, located in the North Park neighborhood. Also, thanks to earmarked relief funds, a number of pieces of equipment damaged during Sandy at the Pacific Boulevard playground are due to be replaced as well. All other city parks have recently been refurbished