L.B. received 90,000 NYS grant for waterfront care


The City of Long Beach has received a $90,100 New York State grant to hire a consultant to help formulate a program to help protect its waterfront.

The grant was announced at a City Council meeting Tuesday night. The grant, from the New York State Department of State Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Plan, requires a 15% local City match valued at $15,900, which can be provided through in-kind services, such as staff and volunteer time, according to the state’s website.

John McNally, a spokesman for the city, said the grant establishes a process for developers, the city itself or other agencies such as the MTA, to  go through to make sure projects are environmentally-friendly in Long Beach.

The City is currently updating its comprehensive regarding zoning and planning. McNally said the update would be completed before the hiring of a consultant could take place.

He said the updates should be completed by the end of this year.

The state said its Local Waterfront Revitalization Program serves as its “primary program for working in partnership with waterfront communities across the State to address local and regional, coastal or inland, waterway issues, improve water quality and natural areas, guide development to areas with adequate infrastructure and services away from sensitive resources, promote public waterfront access, and provide for the redevelopment of underutilized waterfronts.