LBPD participates in active shooter training


On March 25, members of the Long Beach Police Department participated in an active shooter training session at City Hall. Officers were equipped with non-lethal, Simunition-type weapons and protective masks so they could safely practice rapid deployment and room-clearing techniques.

  “Our police department is well equipped to handle extremely intense, crisis situations,” City Council Vice President Fran Adelson said in a statement. “Drills like these simulate dangerous scenarios, helping to strengthen and prepare our already-skilled force for potential emergencies.”

LBPD spokesman Lt. Eric Cregeen said that active shooter training has been important tool for law enforcement agencies for more than a decade. In the wake of recent active shooter incidents, he said, police departments have had to change the way they react to such situations. The old protocol used to be to respond, set up a perimeter, and wait for the tactical team to arrive, Cregeen explained.

“We don’t have the luxury of time anymore,” Creegen said. “In the event of an active shooter scenario, our guys need to be the boots on the ground.”

Cregeen also said that the Police Department has blueprints for all of the schools in Long Beach, and that officers are becoming familiar with the layout of the facilities in order to be prepared in the event of any incident.